
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Middle Region Membres

De Zonnebloem Jonge Planten BV

10 au 13 juin 2025

À propos de nousDe Zonnebloem Jonge Planten BV

De Zonnebloem Jonge Planten BV
De Zonnebloem Jonge Planten BV specialises in the propagation and breeding of terrace plants. The young plants are for sale as unrooted and rooted cuttings, half-mature plants in pots for mail orders or as custom-made plants. Most varieties are available year-round. Unique products in the assortment are: Anisodontea Elegans series, Abutilon series, Mandevilla Bloom Bells® series, Tibouchina selection, Hibiscus Moscheutos Extreme series, Lantana stem series, Thunbergia assortment and a full assortment for tub plant stem culture. We also have a full assortment of ferns tropical/indoor and hardy/outdoor types)

Vidéo d'entrepriseDe Zonnebloem Jonge Planten BV

Anisodontea 'Elegans Princess'
Anisodontea 'Elegans Princess'
Anisodontea 'Elegans Princess' is a dark pink Anisodontea. It has a nice growing type to make a bush or high stam plant. It is flowering
Hibiscus Extreme 'Cloudy Pink'
Hibiscus Extreme 'Cloudy Pink'
Hibiscus Extyreme serie are varieties with EXTREME flower size. This can go up to 25cm and even more. The Hibiscus Extreme is also Extreme hardy, it can resist -18 degrees celcius. This Cloudy Pink is a new colour in the

Produits top 9De Zonnebloem Jonge Planten BV

  1. Anisodontea
  2. Mandevilla
  3. Hibiscus
  4. Ferns
  5. Dryopteris
  1. Nephrolepis
  2. Pteris
  3. Polystichum
  4. Adiantum