
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

South Region Members

Schneider youngplants

10 - 13 June 2025

About usSchneider youngplants

Schneider youngplants
Schneider youngplants is specialized in both seed and cutting propagated young plants, offering a wide range of annual, biennial and perennial plants, as well as cyclamen young plants. We produce more than 200 million young plants per year in The Netherlands. Our flowers make customers happy in more than 40 countries.

Our main products are Begonia semperflorens, Primula and Viola, but our full assortment encompasses more than 1800 varieties. Beside our young plants, we also offer seeds from a thoroughly sorted, high quality selection of the popular varieties existing on the market.

Highlights videoSchneider youngplants

Calibrachoa Vibe Sky Blue
Calibrachoa Vibe Sky Blue
Key features
  • Well branching plant
  • Early flowering
  • Compact construction
  • Bright flower color
  • Perfect in pots and containers, also in hanging boxes and hanging baskets
  • Can be grown in both the sun and light shade

Key message
  • Large flowers with strong colorsdy series
Salvia Noble Knight
Salvia Noble Knight
Key features
  • Compact and upright plant habit
  • Good branching
  • Flowering in the first year
  • Easy to grow

Key message
  • Beautiful color to existing colors
Impatiens Solarscape
Impatiens Solarscape
Key features
  • High color impact in areas in full sun
  • Can be planted in the ground or in a pot
  • Very good garden performance.

Key message
  • Beautiful tropical looks.