
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Middle Region Members

Suntory Flowers Europe

10 - 13 June 2025

About usSuntory Flowers Europe

The plant pioneers
Born from the union of Japanese craftsmanship, innovative breeding systems, and Dutch efficiency, we’ve pioneered the plant industry since the early '90s. Known for introducing the first petunia from cuttings, Surfinia, we’ve since launched successful brands like Sundaville, Senetti, and Princettia. With expertise in plant breeding, selection, and marketing, we protect all our varieties under trademark and variety law. Once Moerheim New Plants, we’re now Suntory Flowers Europe. As part of Suntory, we continue delivering superior-quality, trend-setting bedding plants that shape the future of the industry.

Highlights videoSuntory Flowers Europe

Surdiva® Super Purple
Surdiva® Super Purple
The most innovative, compact and purple shiny Scaevola. It is the Surdiva® Super Purple. Extra resistant to every climate, it is a hot lover without drain a single leaf. The colour is bright and intense. But the top factor is its compactness, extremely suitable for small
Sundaville® UP orange
Sundaville® UP orange
Have you ever dreamed the sunset colours on a plant collection? Now you can wake up because the new Sundaville® UP series is here, climbing the sky!
The UP orange variety has some XXL flowers with a tropical twist. Growing up on thin but strong branches extra rich in buds and flowers.
This totally new Sundaville® UP series features exceptional and never-before-seen colours. An elongated, upward-growing habit and more elongated leaves.

Extremely suitable for small pots (starting from 9,5 cm). Late flowering but fruitful!
Sundaville® Blue
Sundaville® Blue
You may have already glimpsed it in all the newspapers this winter. It won the Best Novelty award at last January's IPM and is slowly making its way into the hearts of many. This Mandevilla 4.0 is an extraordinary colour: a deep purple that is born from pink buds, for a stunning surprise effect! An astonishing

Top 7 productsSuntory Flowers Europe

  1. Sundaville® UP bright pink
  2. Sundaville® UP orange yellow
  3. Sundaville® Giant collection
  4. Soirée™ Catharanthus collection
  5. Surfinia® Trailing Big Purple
  1. Surfinia® Dark Yellow Morn
  2. Beedance® Red