
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Middle Region Members

Elsner pac Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH

10 - 13 June 2025

About usElsner pac Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH

Passion and Competence
Looking for ornamentals with top characteristics in production, tested from mother plant in Kenya and Portugal through production trials in Europe to the test field? Looking for modern pelargonium varieties, special pot carnations, heat-tolerant lobelia and much more?
Then you've come to the right place!

Again we present our top new varieties from our breeding department. We ensure clean starting material in our laboratory. Our production sites in Germany, Portugal and Kenya supply you with healthy and vigorous cuttings, all year round and all over the world.

Looking forward to meeting you!
Elsner pac - with passion and expertise.

Highlights videoElsner pac Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH

Company videoElsner pac Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH

pac® Spanish Wine® White Splash
pac® Spanish Wine® White Splash
The new pac® Africo® Sky Blue, like all our Africo plants, is characterised by its particular heat tolerance and will delight you with its bright blue flowers throughout the summer.
The very good habit fits into any pot, from the pack to the 10.5 cm pot to the hanging basket.
pac® Dinamic® Purple Eye
pac® Dinamic® Purple Eye
We love pac® Dinamic® Purple Eye for its excellent branching and uniformity, which also complements our Dinamic dianthus series very well in terms of vigour and flowering. Like all varieties in this series, we recommend it for all production full stops throughout the year.
pac® Africo Sky Blue
pac® Africo Sky Blue
Die Neuheit pac® Africo® Sky Blue Zeichnet sich wie all unsere Africo durch besondere Hitzetoleranz aus und begeistert mit ihrer hellblauen Blütenpracht über den gesamten Sommer.
Der sehr gute Habitus passt vom Pack über den 10,5 cm Topf bis zur Ampel in jedes Topfgefäß.

Top 10 productsElsner pac Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH

  1. Pelargonium grandiflorum pac® Pinkerbell®
  2. Pelargonium interspecific pac® TWOinONE
  3. Pelargonium (scented) Angels Perfume®
  4. Calibrachoa pac® PortuCal®
  5. Dianthus pac® Dinamic® Dancing
  1. Gaura pac® Gardis
  2. Lobelia pac® Africo®
  3. Neu-Guinea-Impatiens pac® Impacio®
  4. Petunia pac® Prettytoonia®
  5. Salvia microphylla pac® Salvinio®