
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Middle Region Members

Benary Samenzucht

10 - 13 June 2025

About usBenary Samenzucht

Benary is THE World Leading Begonia Specialist!
Renowned worldwide as a leader in Begonias Benary’s fine selected assortment includes some of the industry’s most sought after varieties in Pansies & Violas, Pentas, Petunias, Marigolds, and Rudbeckia, just to name a few.
Benary is active in three breeding facilities: The Netherlands, Germany, and China. That brings us closer to you and your markets. Our main focus is on developing and selling flower varieties for the professional bedding and pot plant market – bringing beauty to the world.
Our professional quality products are offered to growers through our wide network of distributors and brokers around the world.

Highlights videoBenary Samenzucht

Company videoBenary Samenzucht

Begonia x hybrida F1 - Mega Cool
Begonia x hybrida F1 - Mega Cool
The Large-Flowered Retail Performer!

  • Extremely large flowers
  • 10 days earlier flowering than competition
  • Fast pot filling
  • Impressive retail performance
Pentas lanceolata F1 - Graffiti® Falls Rose
Pentas lanceolata F1 - Graffiti® Falls Rose
Unique – The First Trailing Pentas from Seed

  • Unique, trailing plant habit
  • Perfectly suitable for hanging baskets and patio pots
  • Large flower clusters all over the plant
  • Outstanding summer performance under hot conditions
Rudbeckia hirta - Tablemate Gold
Rudbeckia hirta - Tablemate Gold
The Perfect Gift Item for more Happiness!

  • Genetically compact pot type
  • Golden flowers on floriferous plants
  • For indoor and outdoor use

Top 10 productsBenary Samenzucht

  1. Begonia x benariensis F1 BIG & BIG DeluXXe
  2. Begonia boliviensis F1 Groovy
  3. Begonia tuberhybrida F1 Nonstop® Joy
  4. Begonia tuberhybrida F1 Nonstop®
  5. Begonia semperflorens F1 Super Cool
  1. Viola wittrockiana F1 Inspire® Plus
  2. Viola cornuta F1 Admire®
  3. Platycodon grandiflorus F1 Pop Star
  4. Tagetes patula Super Hero
  5. Pentas lanceolata F1 Graffiti®