
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Middle Region Members


10 - 13 June 2025

About usAgriom

Masters in Plant Breeding
Agriom is a family owned breeding company in ornamental crops and soft fruit based in the Netherlands. We offer complete state of the art plant breeding programs. We produce plant material. And we take care of royalty administration to ensure that new crops are protected with plant variety rights and/or with a trademark. Our goal is to empower growers by providing them the opportunity to develop their own plant varieties. We join forces with growers with leading positions in the global market. In this way we connect fundamental breeding knowledge to practical market and cultivation knowledge of the entrepeneur. Both are indispensable for a profitable business.

Company videoAgriom

Cloud Hydrangea Bloomulus
Cloud Hydrangea Bloomulus
HBA presents the innovative novelty in the Hydrangea paniculata assortment: Cloud Hydrangea BLOOMULUS. Bloomulus is a series of several varieties with cloud-like flower heads. The Bloomulus series is compact growing, has sturdy stems (no need for staking), shows excellent branching and flowers on every stem. The series will be offered in three different pot sizes: 14 cm, 18 cm and 23 cm with special emphasis on the 14 cm pot size. Due to the genetics of this series, compact finished plant quality with four to seven flower heads can easily be produced in this pot size. Bloomulus is perfect for plant combos on balconies and
Hydrangea Tabletensia
Hydrangea Tabletensia
Hydrangea Breeders Association (HBA) introduces Tabletensia improved.
Tabletensia is a very compact growing pot plant, very decorative and suitable for hanging basket, bowl and different pot sizes.
Tabletensia is a true multiflora plant, flowering on every side shoot. The plant is a complete joy of flowers and
Mandevilla Summerstar Neon light pink
Mandevilla Summerstar Neon light pink
Mandevilla Breeders Association (MBA) introduces Mandevilla Summerstar Neon light pink. This variety has pink colored flowers. The plant has a very high bud count, upright flowers, and the color of the flowers doens't fade. Summerstar Neon light pink is a bushy plant, suitable for small pot sizes (10-14 cm). Not suitable for trellis.
Neon light pink is part of the Summerstar®

Top 10 productsAgriom

  1. Hydrangea paniculata Pan series (HBA)
  2. Hydrangea macrophylla (HBA)
  3. Cloud Hydrangea Bloomulus (HBA)
  4. Mandevilla Summerstar® (MBA)
  5. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Sunny Cities
  1. Alstroemeria (potted plant)
  2. Rose Favourite series (potted and patio rose)
  3. Delphinium elatum DEWI series
  4. Veronica spicata (potted plant)
  5. Bougainvillea Sandriana series