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Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

FlowerTrials® product highlight videos onlineMissed the FlowerTrials® this year?

10 - 13 June 2025

FlowerTrials® product highlight videos online


Missed the FlowerTrials® this year? Not visited all the locations you had hoped to? 

Videos presenting introductions for the 2016 season from a selection of FlowerTrials® exhibitors are now online. View these on the FlowerTrials® website or the dedicated FlowerTrials® Vimeo channel:

>> FlowerTrials® website
>> Vimeo channel

See highlights from the following companies: 

ABZ Seeds, Agriom, Anthura, Beekenkamp Plants, Ernst Benary Samenzucht, Brandkamp, D.H.M. breeding company by Lannes, Dümmen Orange, Evanthia, Floranova, Florist, KP Holland, Lily Looks, Hassinger Orchideeën, HilverdaKooij, Moerheim New Plant, Morel Diffusion,  PanAmerican Seed & Kieft Seed, Royal Van Zanten, Sakata, Schoneveld Breeding, Selecta Klemm (Dutch & German location), Sion, Takii, Van den Bos Flowerbulbs, Volmary and Westhoff.

FlowerTrials® Board Member Sonja Dümmen, of Dümmen Orange, was, together with Jeroen Egtberts of Moerheim New Plant, in charge of the video project for the FlowerTrials®:

“As the number of exhibitors and visitors increases every year, visiting all locations during week 24 becomes a true challenge. Growers, buyers or other interested parties who did not manage to see all the selected locations  can now discover these introductions online.”

Week 24 – a key date in the horticultural agenda

FlowerTrials® 2016 will take place in week 24 from Tuesday 14th to Friday 17th June with breeders in the Westland and Aalsmeer region (NL) and Rheinland Westfalen (D) opening their doors to show the latest innovations in their pot and bedding plant assortment to growers, buyers and trade partners from all over the world.

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Note to the editor

For further information please contact:
FlowerTrials® Secretariat
Ann Jennen
T: +31 71 364 91 01