
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

FlowerTrials Widens its Regional Horizons in Week 24

10 - 13 June 2025

Registration for FlowerTrials, the ornamentals breeding event of the year, has been open for several weeks now and many dedicated visitors from all over the world have been quick to register for their annual opportunity to view all that is new and inspirational in pot and bedding plants! 

Regular FlowerTrials visitors know that the assortment shown by 60 breeding companies at over 29 locations is absolutely second to none. Growers and young plant producers, traders and retailers all know that FlowerTrials is the place where People Meet Plants, where industry partners meet, connections are made, and inspiration is everywhere. They also know that with such a wealth and abundance of ornamental beauty on offer, planning is absolutely essential. Without a doubt, the FlowerTrials website is a visitor’s best friend! One-stop registration for all locations, news and highlights from the participants, route planning, hotel suggestions and much more can all be found with one convenient click:


Aalsmeer, Westland and Rheinland Westfalen become Middle, South and Germany

FlowerTrials is the consolidated presentation of a dynamic industry, one that is constantly adapting and improving to bring cutting edge genetics to the market. The FlowerTrials organization reflects this and works to optimize the FlowerTrials experience for both visitors and participants.  Return visitors to the FlowerTrials website will have already noticed one significant change in the categorization of the FlowerTrials regions. As FlowerTrials has gained in popularity over the years, more and more breeding companies have joined to present their novelties in Week 24 under the FlowerTrials banner. Gradually, the three regions of Aalsmeer and Westland in the Netherlands and Noordrein Westfalen in Germany have broadened and spilled over their virtual boundaries due to the diversity of the locations. For the convenience of visitors planning their optimal route over the four days, the regions have been redefined into three broad geographical bands – Middle and South in the Netherlands, and Germany.


The FlowerTrials map, your passport and guide to all that’s new in Ornamentals!

This year again, the FlowerTrials organization will produce the handy and compact FlowerTrials map, showing all locations, their addresses and proximity to each other, divided into the three regions. A handy planning tool to guide you around the Netherlands and Germany in Week 24! The map will be distributed in selected Dutch and German trade press in May and is also available on request from all FlowerTrials participants or the FlowerTrials secretariat. If you attach the badge with barcode that will be provided to you at your first FlowerTrials visit on presentation of your registration confirmation, your map becomes a convenient personal FlowerTrials passport, your ticket to a world of ornamental beauty! 


Register in advance and be ready to go

Due to the overwhelming popularity of FlowerTrials, advance registration is essential. It’s quick, easy and free! Visit and fill in a few details to receive your confirmation and personal barcode. Bring this – printed or on your phone or tablet – to the first location you wish to visit, to receive a badge/sticker that you can use at all FlowerTrials locations. 
The 2023 FlowerTrials are open from Tuesday, June 13th to Friday, June 16th. Tuesday-Thursday from 08.00 – 18.00, and Friday from 08.00 to 15.00. Make sure you take full advantage of the event where Plants meet People! 



Note to the Editor

For more information, please contact:
FlowerTrials® Secretariat
T: +31 71 364 91 01


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