
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

FlowerTrials® is back with a bang!Spectacular plant displays on show

10 - 13 June 2025

FlowerTrials 2022 - Marjolein Kuyucu-Lodder

With around a week to go until the doors open for FlowerTrials® 2022, the participating breeders are busy putting the finishing touches to the very best plant displays and preparing to welcome guests. After an absence of 2 years, the event is promising to attract a substantial a substantial number of visitors.

FlowerTrials® is not a traditional trade show, but an open-house event with the 61 members preparing to open their doors and share their highlights at 29 individual locations with everyone who is anyone in the world of pot and bedding plants. The breeding companies that compose FlowerTrials® are waiting to receive growers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers and in fact all those who are involved in what the pot and bedding plant market has to offer.


Marjolein Kuyucu-Lodder of Florensis and Committee member FlowerTrials®, “FlowerTrials®2022 has been a long time coming. We were completely closed in 2020 and a number of our members held small events for local guests in 2021. In 2022 we are back with a bang and ready to welcome all our visitors. We hope that anyone who is interested in the latest innovations in Pot and Bedding plants pays a visit to FlowerTrials® this year. I would say to all colleagues in the industry to please make the effort and leave your desk or your greenhouse. Now is the chance to see what is new in pot and bedding plant breeding and meet with each other along the way.”


FlowerTrials® is open from 14th to 17th June 2022 in three floricultural regions: Aalsmeer and Westland in The Netherlands and Rhineland Westfalen in Germany. Each of the 29 locations is open from Tuesday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Friday to 4 p.m. Registration is advisable in advance to gain swift entry to the first location after which the FlowerTrials badge is the entrance to any location. The FlowerTrials® website gives details on addresses, crop highlights and assortments so that visitors can carefully plan a visit which suits their own business requirements. There is also a route planner showing the best way to navigate around and make sure no time is lost.

FlowerTrials® 2022 is the place where Plants meet People:

FlowerTrials is back with a bang


Note to the editor

For further information please contact:
FlowerTrials® Secretariat
Ann Jennen
T: +31 71 364 91 01


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