
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

FlowerTrials® Highlights 2025FlowerTrials® 2025

10 - 13 June 2025

Middle Region Members

Kitchen Fruit Strawberry 'Queeny'
Kitchen Fruit Strawberry 'Queeny'
Bring style and taste to your kitchen with Queeny: The newest, early-flowering strawberry variety in the kitchen fruit series is a must-have for every kitchen. With its beautiful pink flowers and bright red, sweet fruits, Queeny is not only a feast for the eyes, but also a culinary enrichment.
Place Queeny on your windowsill and enjoy fresh strawberries straight from the plant for weeks. Combine it with kitchen herbs such as basil and mint for an inspiring mini vegetable garden. Outside on the balcony or in the garden, Queeny blooms and bears fruit well into autumn.
Add a personal touch to your kitchen with Queeny and harvest more than just fruit!
Kitchen Fruit Strawberry 'Lizzy'
Kitchen Fruit Strawberry 'Lizzy'
Lizzy: Elegance and Taste in Your Kitchen
With its refined white flowers and bright red, sweet fruits, Lizzy is a real eye-catcher in any kitchen or on the balcony. Just like Queeny, it is a continuous bearer, so you can enjoy fresh strawberries from your own garden for months.
Lizzy grows compactly, with few runners. Outdoors, production continues until autumn, while the white flowers add a subtle, stylish accent to your garden or terrace.
Lizzy offers an advantage for growers: the time from transplanting to the first flower is shorter than with Delizz.
Easy, beautiful and full of flavour – Lizzy is the perfect plant for anyone who wants to enjoy fresh strawberries and an elegant appearance!
Summer Breeze series
Summer Breeze series
‘Feel the Summer Breeze’ with our semi double flowers-series Summer Breeze. The series come in three different colours: Cherry Blossom (hot pink), Snow (white) and Rose (deep red).

The plants produce semi-double flowers in succession, during the whole summer season, up until autumn. The flowers hold on to their flower petals very long, which creates a lot of colour on the plants.
With each flower turning into a delicious strawberry, this series has both the looks as well as the taste!
Cherry Blossom, Snow and Rose combine very nicely with other edibles such as mint or basil, but are also eye catchers on their

Cloud Hydrangea Bloomulus
Cloud Hydrangea Bloomulus
HBA presents the innovative novelty in the Hydrangea paniculata assortment: Cloud Hydrangea BLOOMULUS. Bloomulus is a series of several varieties with cloud-like flower heads. The Bloomulus series is compact growing, has sturdy stems (no need for staking), shows excellent branching and flowers on every stem. The series will be offered in three different pot sizes: 14 cm, 18 cm and 23 cm with special emphasis on the 14 cm pot size. Due to the genetics of this series, compact finished plant quality with four to seven flower heads can easily be produced in this pot size. Bloomulus is perfect for plant combos on balconies and
Hydrangea Tabletensia
Hydrangea Tabletensia
Hydrangea Breeders Association (HBA) introduces Tabletensia improved.
Tabletensia is a very compact growing pot plant, very decorative and suitable for hanging basket, bowl and different pot sizes.
Tabletensia is a true multiflora plant, flowering on every side shoot. The plant is a complete joy of flowers and
Mandevilla Summerstar Neon light pink
Mandevilla Summerstar Neon light pink
Mandevilla Breeders Association (MBA) introduces Mandevilla Summerstar Neon light pink. This variety has pink colored flowers. The plant has a very high bud count, upright flowers, and the color of the flowers doens't fade. Summerstar Neon light pink is a bushy plant, suitable for small pot sizes (10-14 cm). Not suitable for trellis.
Neon light pink is part of the Summerstar®

Geum Firestarter
Geum Firestarter
A beautiful Geum with fiery red, semi-double flowers. Geum Firestarter flowers richly and has a lot of flower stems. Besides, this perennial stands out with the long flowering period from April to
Heliopsis Bonfire Sunset
Heliopsis Bonfire Sunset
This Heliopsis stands out with the dark foliage and the full red/yellow flowers.
Bonfire Sunset flowers very richly and has a long flowering period which you can enjoy from June to October.
It is a strong plant; it does not snap and is
Astrantia Diamonds Red
Astrantia Diamonds Red

Begonia x hybrida F1 - Mega Cool
Begonia x hybrida F1 - Mega Cool
The Large-Flowered Retail Performer!

  • Extremely large flowers
  • 10 days earlier flowering than competition
  • Fast pot filling
  • Impressive retail performance
Pentas lanceolata F1 - Graffiti® Falls Rose
Pentas lanceolata F1 - Graffiti® Falls Rose
Unique – The First Trailing Pentas from Seed

  • Unique, trailing plant habit
  • Perfectly suitable for hanging baskets and patio pots
  • Large flower clusters all over the plant
  • Outstanding summer performance under hot conditions
Rudbeckia hirta - Tablemate Gold
Rudbeckia hirta - Tablemate Gold
The Perfect Gift Item for more Happiness!

  • Genetically compact pot type
  • Golden flowers on floriferous plants
  • For indoor and outdoor use

Fuchsia Jollies La Grande
Fuchsia Jollies La Grande
Fuchsia Jollies has become the epitome of the modern fuchsia. With the extensive Jollies La Grande variety group, Brandkamp offers a whole family of particularly large-flowered fuchsias, which are available in upright, semi-trailing and trailing varieties. They have a harmonious, bushy structure, attractive flowers, are continuous flowering and are good and easy to cultivate.
The elegance and attractiveness of the La Grande varieties create a real wow
Chrysanthemum Ibiza - Family
Chrysanthemum Ibiza - Family
Ibiza is available in four colours: white, yellow, red and purple. All colours grow absolutely evenly. Ibiza is therefore ideal for producing the popular mix pots. The variety has a well-branched structure with many small flowers that cover the entire pot.
Ibiza has a sensationally short reaction time of 5.5 weeks. This makes it easy to achieve complete cultivation from unrooted cutting to finished plant within 9
Tropic Lantana
Tropic Lantana
Our Tropic Lantanas are synonymous with early-flowering, bushy and compact growing lantanas. Tropic Lantanas are available in many attractive colours and combinations. This makes summer a colourful

Calibrachoa Celebration Double Smokin' Berries
Calibrachoa Celebration Double Smokin' Berries
Bred by Westhoff.
New introduction with unique colors.
Best for containers and Hanging baskets.
Petunia Tumbelina Compact Nicola
Petunia Tumbelina Compact Nicola
Bred by Kerley.
Classic double trailing petunias with good pot performance.
Excellent weather resistance, medium-early flowering.
Many varieties are fragrant.
Argyranthemum Grandaisy Yellow
Argyranthemum Grandaisy Yellow
Bred by Suntory.
Impressive flower size and vigorous plant. Produce for early spring through late spring sales.
Early flowering with upright habits.

Hibiscus Extreme 'Cloudy Pink'
Hibiscus Extreme 'Cloudy Pink'
Hibiscus Extyreme serie are varieties with EXTREME flower size. This can go up to 25cm and even more. The Hibiscus Extreme is also Extreme hardy, it can resist -18 degrees celcius. This Cloudy Pink is a new colour in the
Anisodontea 'Elegans Princess'
Anisodontea 'Elegans Princess'
Anisodontea 'Elegans Princess' is a dark pink Anisodontea. It has a nice growing type to make a bush or high stam plant. It is flowering

Poinsettia Gloriette Brilliant Red
Poinsettia Gloriette Brilliant Red
A New Star is Born

Decock's Poinsettia Breeding originated from the demand of many poinsettia producers for innovative varieties for a simpler cultivation, optimized steadiness of the growth features in view of the instable wheather situation during summer, as well as a higher permanency with the final costumer. The eyecatcher effect on the point of sale is an absolute must!

Unique bright colour, Dark foliage, Extremely uniform growth ,Beautiful brilliant red over dark foliage, Well-formed cyathia, Very good branching and reliable shoots, Flowering time of 7 weeks, Strong and stable shoots in V-shape, Pinch out deeply, branches very
Osteospermum Gelato Cranberry
Osteospermum Gelato Cranberry
Osteospermum Gelato Cranberry is one of the Gelato series developed with an eye for the end consumer.
Guaranteed continious flowering
Gives the consumer a product that he will enjoy all summer.
As a grower, the Gelato series are easy to grow because of their uniformity within the colours.

Discover our novelties at the Flowertrials!!
Lavandula stoechas Fantasia Early Purple
Lavandula stoechas Fantasia Early Purple
Lavandula Stoechas Fantasia Early Purple is the result of a driven and professional breeding program.
Unique on the market due to its early flowering. Intensive re-flowering.
The color splendor can not be matched because of its unique and intense purple. Environmentally friendly due to its attraction to bees. Both usable in small and large pot sizes.
Gets very well received on the market due to its extended shelf life.

Discover the Fantasia range at the Flowertrials !!

Careless Cali
Careless Cali
Careless Calis are weather-resistant Calibrachoa that thrive outdoors even in cold temperatures, allowing growers to pot them from week 13 and enabling deliveries from week 20. This production method increases bedding plant volumes, minimizes the need for plant protection measures, and supports overhead irrigation without quality loss. Retailers benefit from plants with stronger root systems, improved foliage quality, and enhanced coloration due to UV-light exposure. These features make Careless Calis a cost-effective, reliable solution for growers, retailers, and consumers.

Discover these and all our other highlights during the Flower Trials!
Lantana Havana series
Lantana Havana series
Havana is the popular Lantana series from Dümmen Orange. This sun lover, with its sturdy branching, features large colorful blooms that contrast beautifully with the dark glossy leaves. The plant grows compact and evenly. It comes in many bright colors, from white and yellow to orange, pink, and red – always with playful color tones. Its lovely fragrance attracts bees and butterflies, making it a great choice for a sunny garden or
Pot Carnation Spring Festival
Pot Carnation Spring Festival
Early flowering, a large selection of single and bicolor varieties and elegant flower patterns make these Spring Festival an eye-catcher. The varieties are perfectly matching and offering perfect conditions for an early and successful start to the season. An additional add-on, they can be grown all year round. With their compact growth and vibrant colors, these carnations simplify handling and maximize shelf appeal, making them an ideal choice for retailers and end consumers alike. Their robust nature and consistent quality allow for effortless cultivation, ensuring high yields and dependable performance in any

pac® Spanish Wine® White Splash
pac® Spanish Wine® White Splash
The new pac® Africo® Sky Blue, like all our Africo plants, is characterised by its particular heat tolerance and will delight you with its bright blue flowers throughout the summer.
The very good habit fits into any pot, from the pack to the 10.5 cm pot to the hanging basket.
pac® Dinamic® Purple Eye
pac® Dinamic® Purple Eye
We love pac® Dinamic® Purple Eye for its excellent branching and uniformity, which also complements our Dinamic dianthus series very well in terms of vigour and flowering. Like all varieties in this series, we recommend it for all production full stops throughout the year.
pac® Africo Sky Blue
pac® Africo Sky Blue
Die Neuheit pac® Africo® Sky Blue Zeichnet sich wie all unsere Africo durch besondere Hitzetoleranz aus und begeistert mit ihrer hellblauen Blütenpracht über den gesamten Sommer.
Der sehr gute Habitus passt vom Pack über den 10,5 cm Topf bis zur Ampel in jedes Topfgefäß.

Hortinno Lime Peach & Green
Hortinno Lime Peach & Green
Hortinno breeds according to the needs of the customer. Breeding is a continuous process in order to provide targeted and sustainable answers to consumers' questions.
Meet our Lime collection: the longest flowering azalea! Colours continue to evolve when flowers open. Peach Fuzz = Pantone colour of the year 2024!
Kalmia Latifolia: get lost in a poetic floral lacework
Kalmia Latifolia: get lost in a poetic floral lacework
Allowing the consumer to enjoy the intense blooms of the hortinno garden products is one of Hortinno's core objectives. This year, Hortinno launches a new product line in its garden portfolio: Kalmia latifolia. Get lost in a poetic floral lacework. Always interwoven with your garden. It is a unique product with thousands of 'little flowers' making you happy!
Rhododendron and Evergreen Japonica
Rhododendron and Evergreen Japonica
Hortinno Garden is a response to the trend for evergreen patio or garden plants with an extra flowering period. The rhododendron XXL is named after its extra large flower bud and bicolor flower cluster. Rhododendron Red Devil has an intense red colour that offers perfect contrast with the fower's black heart. Hortinno also has a series of Evergreen outdoor japonicas that treat the customer to a sumptuous display of outdoor flowers in spring. Enjoy Xtra Flowering Plants!

Qdeville® represents a new Graff line of genetically improved Mandevilla, known for its garden performances and its ability to stay compact. Through breeding, our team has developed a unique series under the tradename Qdeville®, targeting:

Natural compact varieties (still have varieties for vining - just ask).
Varieties that are stiff and upright in their growth (no need for support)
Big colorful and decorated buds and flowers.
Hardy selections that can handle summers in warm and humid areas (Spain, Japan & Florida) and the mild climate in the northern part (Canada & Scandinavia) and still be able to beautifully bloom till the end of the
HibisQs® is a line of genetically improved Hibiscus varieties that are grown professionally worldwide. Our skilled team, in partnership with Mother Nature, has carefully selected and developed this unique series of Hibiscus with both commercial and consumer requirements in mind. The varieties are divided into four categories:

Qte® is our selection specifically bred and selected for smaller pots (8-11cm) and combinations.
BeautiQ® is our selection specifically bred for their exceptional beauty and longer-lasting colorful flowers (12-16cm pots).
PatiQ® is our selection specifically bred and selected for bigger pots (17cm and up). The varieties standout with its strong stem, rich branching, and its medium to big flowers.
pinoQio® is a unique hibiscus series that stands out with small flowers but rich
Qdula® is a Bee and Butterfly friendly – Mosquito repellent series within Lavender, and is the latest product that have inspired us and our breeding work. Both our Angustifolia and Stoechas are characteristic by the following:

Uniformity and plant health
Continuously flowering / re-blooming
Consumer / garden value
Transport capability
Strong up-right growth
Suitable for pot 9cm and up
Suitable for Patio

  • SPOTTY PURPLE is a new TOP-TUNIA colour with white spots, from our breeding
  • TOP-TUNIA is an exclusive selection of compact, round and early Petunia
  • Continuos flowering and resistant plants from spring until the first frosts
  • TOP-TUNIA has been bred and selected in hot climate conditions in order to be very resistant during the summer and maintain stable colour under direct sunlight
  • New compact variety series of Coleus ARABESQUE, bred by Gruppo Padana
  • Short internodes and mounding shape
  • Extremely late in flowering
  • No pinching or PGR required
  • New amazing colour of the Portulaca KOKORITA, bred by Gruppo Padana
  • Large flowers
  • Good branching and short internodes

F1 Antirrhinum DoubleShot Hot Pink
F1 Antirrhinum DoubleShot Hot Pink
DoubleShot™ is a series of tall garden F1 snapdragons with beautiful open-faced double flowers on strong, heavily branched plants. They produce wind-resistant, sturdy flower stems all through the growing season. Growing to a height of 60 cm (24”), DoubleShot™ is ideal as tall garden accents in flower beds or in containers.
The strong, taller stems make them perfect for use as a long-lasting home cut flower as
Coreopsis grandiflora SunGlobe
Coreopsis grandiflora SunGlobe
Coreopsis SunGlobe is a first-year flowering perennial with lots of large semi-double golden-yellow flowers on short flower stems.
It has a medium-compact, mounding and well branching plant habit and flowers 1 to 2 weeks earlier than
F1 Petunia multiflora Shake Grapeberry
F1 Petunia multiflora Shake Grapeberry
Our all-new petunia Shake™ series is a real color breakthrough in our genetically compact hybrid petunias that normally do not require PGRs. Flower size is between grandiflora and multiflora types. This new Shake™ F1 series is seed raised and combines unique flower colors and patterns with our well-known genetically compact petunia plant habit and flowering

Dianthus Picture Perfect®
Dianthus Picture Perfect®
Meet Picture Perfect®: the most photogenic Dianthus turning every home and garden into a Picture Perfect® setting. This stunning variety offers a memorable touch with its adorable magenta and dark red blooms. These appear many at a time and flower for a prolonged period. The firm plants of Picture Perfect® are uniform to grow and come with a catchy branding concept, making it ideal for retail. Limited to no PGR’s are
More info soon: new product series
More info soon: new product series
This year at FlowerTrials®, HilverdaFlorist will launch a brand new product to the collection. Stay tuned, visit the show and be the first to learn
Garden Gerbera Garvinea®
Garden Gerbera Garvinea®
Garvinea® is the one and only Garden Gerbera! With great weather tolerance, Garvinea® provides lots of happy colours from early spring until the first frost. This robust garden plant offers countless long-lasting flowers. Garvinea® attracts friendly pollinators such as bees and butterflies. At the same time it’s highly resistant to pests and diseases.

HilverdaFlorist recently launched a brand new look for the Garvinea® concept.. Immerse yourself in the joyful designs and discover retail

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Capercaillie'
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Capercaillie'
Originating from Scotland, Rosmarinus officinalis 'Capercaillie' is a distinct rosemary variety, notable for its half-prostrate growth and dark, vibrant green leaves. It boasts bright blue flowers that bloom extensively during the summer, providing a long foraging season for hummingbirds.
This variety maintains a mounding habit. 'Capercaillie' is hardy and well-suited to the Mediterranean climate. Its aromatic, silvery-green leaves enhance culinary dishes with robust flavors. It's both a practical and ornamental choice for
Salvia officinalis 'Ovalvet'P
Salvia officinalis 'Ovalvet'P
A unique sage variety prized for its sweet fragrance and round, velvety gray-green leaves. 'Ovalvet'P has an impressive tolerance to powdery mildew. Salvias are perennials, evergreen subshrubs with woody stems that have been cherished for their healing and culinary benefits since ancient times. 'Ovalvet'P embodies nature's finest qualities, offering both beauty and
Double MarvelTM Series
Double MarvelTM Series
  • Innovative dual-use ornamental herbs that enhance outdoor spaces while tantalising the senses and maximising our well-being.

  • Eye-catching blossoms and foliage, such as Thymus spp. 'Ruby Glow'ᵛʳ and Salvia officinalis 'Snowflake'ᵛʳ.

  • Diverse cultivars like Hishtil's GrowFlow™ line for fences, walls, and hanging baskets, along with structured herbs like Rosmarinus officinalis 'Barbecue'ᵖ.

  • The role of ornamental herbs in attracting pollinators and the importance of environmental guardianship

With its shades of blue and yellow, the new Lupin complements the range of colors of this ornamental perennial, which flowers from the very first year!
Add a splash of color to your garden with our new bicolor yellow and blue ornamental Lupin Gallery® ! It loves to bask in direct sunlight in well-drained soil. This Fleuroselect-approved novelty joins our premium range: easy to grow and highly productive. The Gallery® range is the reference on the professional market!
Enjoy your garden with the mini watermelon duo: Sunlove and Mini Love! Mini Love F1 is a mini watermelon variety with a high-quality, sweet, red flesh and few seeds. This early mini watermelon has a balanced plant with good fruit set even in difficult conditions. As for Sunlove F1, its smooth and shiny rind has a combination of light and dark green streaks. Its yellow flesh makes it incredibly appealing, and it also has few seeds. In short: a mini duo for a zesty summer!
Discover the Clause Home Garden range, where earliness is the key to success! First off: Kazimir F1, a novelty for this season. Discover a long, vigorous, early eggplant with beautiful dark fruits. Next up: Edgar F1 is the earliest melon in our range, while still being hyper-productive and perfectly at home in all regions. Sweet, sugary and with a high yield, BALCONI F1 is a sweet pepper that ripens quickly. And finally, GOURMANDIA F1 needs no introduction: this fleshy heirloom tomato is very early and absolutely

Hydrangea Macr. Midnight Pearl
Hydrangea Macr. Midnight Pearl
Midnight Pearl is a unique mophead hydrangea that immediately catches the eye
with its distinctive picotee flowers edged in red. These vibrant colors stand out
beautifully against its deep green foliage, which is so dark it’s nearly black. Midnight
Pearl combines a compact growth habit with strong stems and sturdy flowers,
making it a robust choice. With excellent durability and a recommended final pot
size of 3 liters or larger, this variety offers versatile opportunities for cultivation and
Hydrangea Altair
Hydrangea Altair
Altair (lacecap): Altair captivates with its
sturdy lacecap flowers in striking pink and blue
hues that contrast beautifully with its dark
green leaves. With nearly continuous blooming and a growing period of just 8-10
weeks, Altair is an efficient choice for
growers seeking a robust, visually
stunning hydrangea with enhanced
Hydrangea Sirius
Hydrangea Sirius
Sirius (lacecap): Sirius stands out with its
refined lacecap flowers in soft tones, beautifully complemented by deep
green foliage. This variety boasts excellent
branching and grows to an average height of
about 100 cm. While its stems and flowers are
slightly more delicate, its near-continuous
flowering on every stem and impressive
durability more than make up for

Centradenia floribunda Pink
Centradenia floribunda Pink
A stunning flowering evergreen perennial shrub. Dense green-bronze chocolate shiny foliage complements a rewarding display of showy large bright fuchsia- pink flowers from early spring.
Attract butterflies and hummingbirds, making it a favorite among garden enthusiasts.
Easy to grow and care for.
Adds a pop of color to any garden, patio, shady borders and woodland gardens.
Cascades beautifully out of beds, containers & hanging baskets.
Great cover, will trail over embankments and walls. Mass plant areas for weed suppression.
Thunbergia Sunny Susy® White Wedding
Thunbergia Sunny Susy® White Wedding
Masses of showy large pure white flowers.
Early flowering, mainly from spring through autumn.
Combines well with other Thunbergia colors for high valued product.
Trailing and climbing habit.
Easy to grow and care.
Ideal for mix hanging baskets and pyramids for patio and decks.
Showy cover for arches and pergolas, window boxes.
Delosperma Desert Dancer Red
Delosperma Desert Dancer Red
A stand out hardy perennial, with their unique intense dark red foliage.
Once the red flowers appear, it creates the most striking focal point.
Abundant flowering for a long blooming period.
Heat and drought tolerant, low maintenance, easy to care for.
Year-round high value product.
Rounded cushion habit, gradually spreads into a carpet.
Ideal patio containers and hanging baskets, excellent sunny low borders and groundcover, hanging box plants for the terrace, rock gardens, roof planting and water-saving gardens.

The compact and bushy growing Gaura EVERLAST are decorated with numerous short flower spikes in summer. Thanks to it uniform growth and blooming characteristics it is a great choice for professional growers. EVERLAST tolerate heat and other weather extremes well and are suitable for use as bedding and balcony plants, as well as planted in the
As the small brother of the well-known Salvia ROCKIN, the compact growing ROCKIN KIDS extend the range of Salvia and allow new field of use. ROCKIN KIDS are suitable for smaller pot sizes and can be cultivated without the application of retardants. Salvia ROCKIN KIDS are extremely versatile and can be used for terrace planting, in bowls or as table
Their enormous heat tolerance is the reason for the great summer performance of the SUPERTULA varieties, which unfold their great potential in summer plantings and hanging baskets. Portulaca SUPERTULA have a good branching, tight growth habit and early blooming, compared to older varieties. They are a great addition to the line of Kientzlers HEAT

Cotinus Magical Purple
Cotinus Magical Purple
NEW! Cotinus Magical Purple is an impressive plant with its deep red leaves. This shrub grows bushy and upright with sturdy branches. Compared to Royal Purple, Magical Purple offers significant advantages: it branches better, has stronger branches, and grows more compactly. This results in straight, well-formed branches and excellent shrub
Hydrangea paniculata Magical Monte Nova
Hydrangea paniculata Magical Monte Nova
NEW and UNIQUE: What sets Hydrangea paniculata Magical Monte Nova apart is that it forms a FLOWERING, visually appealing plant in its FIRST YEAR, starting from a rooted cutting. This shortens the cultivation time by a year, making it an important feature for growers. This panicle hydrangea begins its bloom with green-white flowers that beautifully transition to dark pink and red. The plant has good branching and a compact growth
Hydrangea arborescens Magical Dark Pink
Hydrangea arborescens Magical Dark Pink
NEW! Hydrangea arborescens Magical Dark Pink features dark pink, spherical flowers and sturdy stems. The leaves have a white, velvety underside that contrasts beautifully with the darker upper side. When the wind blows through the foliage, it creates a playful effect. This pink variety is a perfect addition to any arborescens grower's

Begonia Hailey Yellow ®
Begonia Hailey Yellow ®
Begonia Hailey is known for its beautiful round shaped plants with an excellent year-round growing ability.

Hailey Yellow is a true yellow and the first introduction in yellow for a long time.

It does not only have a great consumer value , though it also has a short croptime.

Come and check it for yourself.
Begonia Mocca Orange ®
Begonia Mocca Orange ®
Begonia Mocca Orange® is a plant with dark orange flowers that contrast beautifully with its chocolate brown leaves. This makes it a true eyecatcher in any indoor space.

Begonia Mocca Orange® is an easy-growing begonia with great performance and a short crop time.
Begonia Halo ®
Begonia Halo ®
Begonia Halo is a revolution in RED Begonia.
  • Beautifull, rose shaped flowers
  • Early flowering (2 weeks faster than Baladin)
  • Full and round plants

Poinsettia - CARMEN RED
Poinsettia - CARMEN RED
Bract > bright red and medium to big size
Vigor > medium
Growth retardant > medium
Earliness > medium-early: 7,5 weeks
Temp. end crop > 14*

Experiences of the market:
Low requirements for growth regulators (PGRs).
Pinching: strong branching, are desired drive 1 stem per leaf let.
Spacing: tolerates narrow stand not to early spacing.
V-shaped, no support rings need.
Hardy variety with excellent root system.
First the bracts appear and then the cyathia so longer sales window, excellent durability.
Carmen performs well under extreme conditions.
Suitable for all pot sizes.
Poinsettia - PAPAGENA
Poinsettia - PAPAGENA
Bract > the white/pink colour make it "very special"
Vigor > medium
Growth retardant > medium
Earliness > medium-late:8 -8,5 weeks
Temp. end crop >14*

Medium to large bracts, dense flower with many bracts.
Top branching, even under difficult growing conditions.
Pinching: because of the excellent branching, leave only the number of leaves corresponding to the desired branches!
Spacing: tolerates narrow cultivation, do not enlarge too soon.
Very regular, medium need of use PGR.
Low temperatures > more intense colours.
For all pot sizes up to 15 cm, also optimal for unfloral and ideal for the 6 cm pot.
Excellent self-life.
Introducing the new Verbena series, ENCANTADA – a stunning line of vibrant flowers available in two unique variations: "Encantada Classic" and "Encantada Fantasy."

"Classic" Series:
Intensely colored, glossy, and uniform flowers.
Abundant and very early bloom.
Vigorous, compact, and uniform growth.
Small, dark green leaves.

"Fantasy" Series:
Large, Bicolor flowers with a striking visual impact.
Abundant and very early bloom.
Vigorous, compact, and uniform growth.
Medium-sized, glossy green leaves.

GALAXY® Your Constellation of flowers
GALAXY® Your Constellation of flowers
This new range of 4 mini roses will offer you as many flowers as there are stars in the sky! Easy to care for, they grow fast but stay really compact (40cm x 40cm) and have a graceful habit: the perfect fit for your small spaces or balcony. Sit back, relax, and enjoy your GALAXY® roses!

Chose yours :
- GALAXY® VEGA® Meilcy 002
- GALAXY® Antares Meilcy 001
- GALAXY® Naos Meilcy 003
- GALAXY® Arcturus Meilcy
ZEPETI® Pink Glow Meissoniet
ZEPETI® Pink Glow Meissoniet
You've all been waiting for it! Here's the pink version: ZEPETI® Pink Glow, Meissoniet.

A true innovation in the world of roses ! With its continuous flowering, its dark glossy foliage practically persistent because of its extreme tolerance to fungal diseases (powdery mildew and black spot), ZEPETI® Pink Glow is also resistant to summer heat and frost. Very compact, it is perfectly adapted to the culture in pot and will be suitable for balconies and terraces while also being able to be planted in the garden, mixed with small shrubs and
A gourmet surprise that wakes up gardens with a flash of color!
MEILLAND presents Sugar CANDY ROSE® Meiconfiz, a compact rose that promises to infuse an explosion of color into gardens, from spring until the first frosts. Thanks to its exceptional resistance to disease, its bushy habit and its unique characteristics, this novelty is the unmissable star for gardening enthusiasts.
With a compact shape, this Meilland creation will beautify all exteriors and especially small ones. spaces such as balconies and terraces, because it grows very well in

PETIT MOULIN®, double flower for 100 days!
PETIT MOULIN®, double flower for 100 days!
Get ready to be amazed by PETIT MOULIN®, a game-changing Cyclamen variety with double flowers that last up to 100 days!

Why PETIT MOULIN® Stands Out:
Unique, double-flower shape
Exceptionally long-lasting blooms—over 100 days per flower!
Prolific flowering and excellent structure, perfect for terraces and patios
Available in a delightful mix
Crop time from sowing: 32–34 weeks
Get ready to meet MACARON®, our newest micro-sized Cyclamen series.

What makes MACARON® serie truly special?
Smallest Cyclamen serie available
Genetically compact – perfect for small pot sizes
Early and floriferous, with plenty of bright, long-lasting blooms
Heat-resistant, making it ideal for summer growth
Highly uniform, with easy cultivation
Available in seven striking colors along with 2 expertly curated mixes.

Compact, colorful, and versatile, MACARON® is a game-changer for growers.
Discover our new range of Hellebores, including Helleborus Niger, Orientalis, Hybrid, and also botanical varieties.

Helleborus Niger: Known for its winter bloom and striking white flowers
Helleborus Orientalis: Offers a wide range of colors and patterns
Helleborus Hybrid: Combines the best characteristics of different species
Botanical Hellebores: Authentic and natural beauty

Come and discover this new offer and let yourself be enchanted by the diversity and beauty of our Hellebores!

Rosa Amirose® ('Korhulth 005'PBR)
Rosa Amirose® ('Korhulth 005'PBR)
Rosa Amirose is a compact rose that boasts semi-double flowers that start as peach-coloured buds and open into a beautiful pink, purple-hearted display. Amirose is famous for the incredible amount of flowers that open over a long period: it boasts over 175 days of flowers!

The evolving flowers of Amirose create an impressive display that, for months in a row, adds colour to borders and patios alike. The healthy, green, glossy foliage just adds to its charm, while its low, spreading, and compact habit makes it suitable for any landscaping need. This beautiful rose is the ideal gift for friends, family, and loved ones!
Clematis Elpis ('EviGsy154'PBR)
Clematis Elpis ('EviGsy154'PBR)
Bred by renowned Clematis breeder Raymond J. Evison, this compact Clematis boasts deep red flowers with a rounded shape spanning 10-12 cm and striking yellow anthers. It blooms abundantly from May to July, with a dependable repeat bloom that extends into September. The flowers retain their vibrant colour with minimal fading.

Clematis Elpis also stands out for its lush green leaves that beautifully complement its rich red flowers. With its modest size, reaching 90–120 cm, Elpis is a lovely choice for a patio, planter, or the middle to front of a garden border, where its long-lasting series of blooms can be fully
Hemerocallis See You Tomorrow® ('Huhe01'PBR)
Hemerocallis See You Tomorrow® ('Huhe01'PBR)
Introducing Hemerocallis See You Tomorrow!– the Hemerocallis that defies expectations! Unlike traditional day lilies, whose blooms last just a single day, See You Tomorrow! offers a game-changing experience. Each stunning flower lasts over seven days on the plant, making the landscape more vibrant for longer!

See You Tomorrow! is the outcome of years of dedicated horticulture innovation, creating a plant that's both long-lasting and remarkably resilient. With its early blooming nature and extended flowering period, any landscape will flourish with rich colour from the very start of the season. It features flowers that open lemon-green and slowly change to yellow, followed by orange. With healthy blue-green foliage, this low-maintenance, spectacular plant adds charm to any

Euphorbia martinii Walberton’s® Little Treasure® (WALEULITR)
Euphorbia martinii Walberton’s® Little Treasure® (WALEULITR)
This is a stunning new Euphorbia, launching this year. Bred in the UK by the outstanding team at Walberton Plants Limited, this is one to watch.

With a compact habit, Euphorbia martinii Walberton’s® Little Treasure® presents bright yellow foliage and zesty flowers from spring to early summer. When temperatures dip, the growing shoots turn a warm copper, making this plant a foliage feature.

Happy in containers and borders, we anticipate this variety being a hit. Walberton’s® Little Treasure® is brand new to FlowerTrials®, with the first plants available later in the year. Elite stock
Coleus scutellarioides Skeletal™ (G20-057)
Coleus scutellarioides Skeletal™ (G20-057)
Introducing the award-winning Coleus Skeletal™! Bred in the US and making waves in the UK, this beauty won the Platinum Peter Seabrook award, and 2nd place in the People’s Vote, out of over 100 new plants at BBC Gardener’s World Live 2024.

Coleus Skeletal™ has stunning fishbone foliage with a rich burgundy centre edged with vibrant lime green. Plus, with excellent basal branching, this variety makes a lovely full pot, ideal for garden centre shelves. From thriving indoor jungles to something a little different for containers, we can definitely see Skeletal™ featuring in planting schemes this summer!
Sambucus nigra Laced Up (SNR1292)
Sambucus nigra Laced Up (SNR1292)
Calling all garden designers! This British-bred Sambucus has a striking columnar habit, with excellent lacy foliage. Sambucus Laced Up offers superb dark, glossy leaves that are finely divided. With strong apical dominance, Laced Up blends the best elements of Black Tower and Black Lace, forming a beautiful dark pillar.

Ideal for smaller gardens, we can really see Sambucus Laced Up being a hit with designers and consumers, as it offers architectural interest without requiring a lot of space. And come spring, the pollinator-friendly soft pink flowers are simply the cherry on the top!

Mini Melon Honey Drops™ F1 Dara
Mini Melon Honey Drops™ F1 Dara
Ideal mini melon for hobby gardeners with a sugar-sweet taste and super thin skin!

Ripeness Indicator: Changes from green to bright yellow when ripe.

It can carry up to 18 melons on the
Galaxy Tri Color™ F1
Galaxy Tri Color™ F1
Introducing the newest addition to the Galaxy Series! Fruits start off creme and then turn into a vibrant, shiny red.
The plants are compact, standing at a height of 25-30cm, and they're loaded with visible spicy fruits. It's a colourful and fruitful addition to your garden!

  • Crop time: 14-16 weeks
  • Height: 25-30 cm/10-12"
  • Diameter 25-30 cm
  • Pot size:15 cm
Peas ‘N’ Pod Bernard
Peas ‘N’ Pod Bernard
Meet the new pea variety designed specifically for pots— compact, convenient, and bursting with sugar-sweet flavour.
Due to its smaller habit in nature, it fits perfectly in a pot, raised beds, or any space in a small home garden.
At first bloom, the Peas ‘N’ Pod series puts on an abundance of beautiful white flowers which adds vibrancy.

  • Growth time 8-10 weeks
  • Height: 40 cm/16"
  • Pot size:12-15 cm

Whats b(l)ooming today: platform
Whats b(l)ooming today: platform
What’s b(l)ooming today is an inspiration platform about flowers and plants. On the platform, as a the breeder of Aster, Bouvardia, Celosia, Chrysanthemum, Alstroemeria and Limonium, among others, we present beautiful images and surprising and creative applications of the exclusive and high-quality varieties in our portfolio.

We are capitalising on the increasing demand for information and inspiration among florists, floral designers and buyers. Sign up to our newsletter and ask for our special feature during the
PaX Series: fast, compact and colourful
PaX Series: fast, compact and colourful
PaX is easy: The Pax series is the perfect series for 6-packs, 10.5 cm or 12 cm pots. Available in 7 colours and genetically identical in habit and flowering!

The fast response time makes this series ideal for cultivation in blackout systems. Flowering starts naturally in week 39/40. With the PaX you’ll be giving consumers up to six whole weeks of beautiful blooms!
Jellyfish®: where a sea of joy blossoms
Jellyfish®: where a sea of joy blossoms
The Jellyfish® series is the new and refreshing addition to the pot chrysanthemum range at Royal Van Zanten.

A complete series with a beautiful contemporary colour palette. The plants are colour mutants and therefore have the same growth habit. The plants can be mixed excellently both in pots and in trays. Besides the advantages for a grower, it also creates a uniform look on the shelf in shops.

You can place the plant indoors as well as outdoors (5-25°C)

Illusia F1
Illusia F1
One of the latest breakthroughs in breeding is Illusia. This award-winning novelty has a unique flower shape. Making it a very striking and attractive product. It has a bouquet of flowers that continue to develop. The shelf life is excellent. Anyone who sees the Illusia for the first time is immediately amazed.

  • Unique flower shape
  • Flower explosion
  • Excellent shelf life
Gerbera jamesonii Joybera F1
Gerbera jamesonii Joybera F1
The new Gerbera jamesonii on the market. Due to its extremely good uniformity, the grower can harvest easily 90% - 95%. Gerbera Joybera produces many flowers, 10 flowers at a minimum per plant is very common. It scores also very well on shelf life, both in the shop as for the consumer.

  • #1 uniform in growing & flowering
  • 3 flowers at first shot
  • Amazing shelf life
Cyclamen Super Serie Dragon F1
Cyclamen Super Serie Dragon F1
The first F1 Cyclamen with blue flowers in the market. It is the official launch of this breakthrough in Cyclamen persicum breeding. Setting it apart from other varieties with its captivating blue hue. This mini Cyclamen will be available in 2 beautiful blue colours (the blue collection).

  • First F1 blue Cyclamen
  • Innovative colour
  • Surprising genetics

Endless Series
Endless Series
The Sunshapers Endless series expresses itself in: ENDLESS blooming from early spring until the first frost. ENDLESS outstanding coloration throughout your entire garden and terrace. ENDLESS resistance against pests and diseases. Ultimately, this means ENDLESS joy and happiness while enjoying your garden!
Tropical series
Tropical series
The Sunshapers Tropical series expresses itself in: stunning TROPICAL and double flowers which will brighten up your garden at first sight. TROPICAL and multicolor surprises at your patio and in your garden, from the early spring until the first snowflakes. TROPICAL voluminous and strong plant which captures your full attention from the very first moment. This ultimately means TROPICAL feelings while enjoying your garden!

Surdiva® Super Purple
Surdiva® Super Purple
The most innovative, compact and purple shiny Scaevola. It is the Surdiva® Super Purple. Extra resistant to every climate, it is a hot lover without drain a single leaf. The colour is bright and intense. But the top factor is its compactness, extremely suitable for small
Sundaville® UP orange
Sundaville® UP orange
Have you ever dreamed the sunset colours on a plant collection? Now you can wake up because the new Sundaville® UP series is here, climbing the sky!
The UP orange variety has some XXL flowers with a tropical twist. Growing up on thin but strong branches extra rich in buds and flowers.
This totally new Sundaville® UP series features exceptional and never-before-seen colours. An elongated, upward-growing habit and more elongated leaves.

Extremely suitable for small pots (starting from 9,5 cm). Late flowering but fruitful!
Sundaville® Blue
Sundaville® Blue
You may have already glimpsed it in all the newspapers this winter. It won the Best Novelty award at last January's IPM and is slowly making its way into the hearts of many. This Mandevilla 4.0 is an extraordinary colour: a deep purple that is born from pink buds, for a stunning surprise effect! An astonishing

Digitalis purpurea 'Hanabee F1 White'
Digitalis purpurea 'Hanabee F1 White'
  • Uniform
  • Multi-branching
  • Compact growth
  • Easy care qualities
  • Vibrant multi colour series
  • Premium retail appeal
Dahlia pinnata 'Black Forest Ruby'
Dahlia pinnata 'Black Forest Ruby'
  • From the Sahin assortment
  • Award winning dahlia
  • Radiant shades of red
  • Uniform growth
  • Exceptional visual appeal
  • Thriving in sunny beds and containers
  • Flowers continuously from summer until the first frost
Canna generalis 'Cannova F1 Gold Leopard'
Canna generalis 'Cannova F1 Gold Leopard'
  • Cannova is the first F1 hybrid canna series from seed
  • Excelling in both warm and cool summer climates
  • Its vigorous growth and profuse blooms last until the first frost
  • Striking new colour Gold Leopard
  • Reliable performance

Veronica Lancita™ series
Veronica Lancita™ series
A compact to medium-growing plant with vibrant colors and excellent resistance to mildew and rust. It features very good branching and uniformity across a series. Easy to cultivate, no PGR required. Fast crop (8–10 weeks). Suitable for 12 cm pots and 2–3 L as well. Can be grown both indoors and
Echinacea Pearl™ Magenta
Echinacea Pearl™ Magenta
Amazing variety with compact growth and great branching. Strong upright stems with dark green shining foliages makes great contrast for stocking magenta inflorenscnes. Strong and elegant flowers garthered as umbrella over top of the plants. This variety is easy to culture, no PGR no pinching. It will flower after 10 weeks after potting. Great for 2-3l pots. It is fully hardy with great garden performance!,77398.html
Brunnera Little Heart
Brunnera Little Heart
A charming and compact variety with abundant, beautifully shaped, silver-colored leaves, making it an excellent choice for visual production. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation, fitting well in 12 cm to 3 L pots. Ideal for landscaping and spring flowering in the,70493.html

Thunbergia 'Sunny Susy® White Wedding'
Thunbergia 'Sunny Susy® White Wedding'
  • Noble flowers in pure white without an eye
  • Impresses with an abundance of flowers
  • Vigorous growth and very healthy, dark green foliage
  • Early flowering
  • Ideal for large pyramids and hanging baskets
Organic certified herbs
Organic certified herbs
  • Organic certified herb young plants
  • Top quality seedlings and cuttings
  • Own varieties such as Rosemary 'AbraxMaxx' and Tarragon 'Vienco®'
Dahlia 'Lubega® XL'
Dahlia 'Lubega® XL'
  • Solitary dahlia with particularly large, double flowers
  • Vigorous growth, good basal branching
  • Ideal for growing in larger pots and containers
  • NEW: ‘Lubega ® XL Cherry Sparkle’ (cherry pink with white speckles) & ‘Lubega® XL Maracuya’ (pink with golden yellow centre)

Paeonia Itoh Garden Candy®
Paeonia Itoh Garden Candy®
Often referred as the Queen of the border, these long lived perennials make over a number of years large clumps that produce upright stems with large often fragrant flowers in late spring. The Itoh Garden Candy® peonies produce bigger, often double, intensed coloured flowers with petals. The flowering time is longer than the latifolia varieties and the plants are highly resistant to most foliage diseases. Paeonia Itoh Garden Candy® is easy to grow and the lifespan is up to 35 years. USDA hardiness zone: 3-8a. Virus Indexed
Hemerocallis Stella
Hemerocallis Stella
Hemerocallis is a herbaceous perennial of the asphodelaceae family. Hemerocallis are in general robust, reliable ans self-sufficient plants. The winter hardy variety Stella has compact foliage and is flowering in 3 various colours from June into October. Supplied as either extra large divisions suitable for 3 liter pot or TC plugs. Virus Indexed
Verbascum Peach Champagne®
Verbascum Peach Champagne®
This new variety is developing very quickly to maturity.
Verbascum are richly flowering plants with a striking appearance, they really attract attention.

The plant starts with a rosette of leaves, from which the flower stems shoot straight up like torches. They prefer to grow in a sunny spot and on poorer soil. They need minimal nutrition for beautiful growth and flowers.
After planting Verbascum Peach Champagne®, during week 10-12 next year, the plants will be ready for sale within 10-12 weeks with 100 percent flowering guaranteed!

South Region Members

Phalaenopsis Sunca® Pula
Phalaenopsis Sunca® Pula
Sunca® Pula brings the sun into your home with its pink flowers and warm yellow lip. This beautiful Phalaenopsis is named after the city of Pula in Croatia, which is known for its colorful buildings and stunning sunsets. Sunca® Pula has a compact height of 45 cm and blooms abundantly with a flower size of 7 cm. With a shelf life of 3 months, consumers can enjoy the sunshine in their home for a long time!
Potanthurium Melodia® Ibis
Potanthurium Melodia® Ibis
With its bright red plumage, the red Ibis is a striking presence in nature. The vibrant red flowers of the Potanthurium Melodia Ibis are no less impressive than this well-known bird. The cup-shaped flowers that dance above the foliage are characteristic of the Melodia series. Melodia Ibis is cultivated from a pot size of 14 cm. This exotic appearance can withstand a lot, as the test results for a 48-hour transport phase at 4°C are
Anthurium cut flower Absolute®
Anthurium cut flower Absolute®
Absolute has beautiful, green-colored flowers with a fresh, red tip at the end of the bract. This color is reflected in the spadix, giving it a luxurious and versatile appearance. The production figures are impressive for this flower size, and the vase life is excellent. It is no surprise that this variety has been named

Pericallis POP
Pericallis POP
With Pericallis POP, there are no surprises; each plant grows uniformly, providing consistency throughout the series. And thanks to its excellent branching and outstanding foliage, this breeding is superior to what you’re accustomed to. We offer a complete series that redefines standards and brings innovation to the Pericallis market.

Steal the spotlight with Pericallis POP as one of the few colourful options during the sales season, which also boasts a blooming period of up to 4 months. Want to grow in cooler conditions? No problem with this series; it thrives effortlessly at lower temperatures (from 4 degrees Celsius)
Verbena Fuerte
Verbena Fuerte
Discover Verbena Fuerte, a plant bursting with color and resilience. Its heart-shaped
flowers, available in bright shades, reflect its South American heritage. Whether faced with extreme heat or heavy rain, Verbena Fuerte continues to grow, featuring outstanding branching that ensures high-quality plants every time.

Available in two series, the Upright series, ideal for pots and flower beds.
The Semi-Trailing series, perfect for hanging baskets and mix pots. With its bright
colors and street-art inspiration, Verbena Fuerte adds character and flair to any
LaBella Dahlia Chocolate
LaBella Dahlia Chocolate
Proudly introducing LaBella Dahlia Chocolate, a stunning new dark-leafed dahlia serie that’s as captivating as its name suggests!

The deep, dark foliage of this LaBella Dahlia reminded us of the luxurious allure of chocolate – and just like chocolate, these dahlias are impossible to resist! What truly sets LaBella Dahlia Chocolate apart are its unique double flowers featuring
beautiful bicolor tones. Available in four colors, the flowers stand out even more
against the dark leaves.

Available for the popular LaBella Grande size, 14-17 cm (6-8 inch) pots. LaBella
Dahlia Grande Chocolate is easy to grow and can be beautifully combined with other
varieties from the Grande

SOL LUNA PRIME™ - Hybrid Impatiens
SOL LUNA PRIME™ - Hybrid Impatiens
The Right Plants Make All The Difference.
SOL LUNA PRIME™ is a true garden game-changer, delivering unmatched uniformity and blooming up to seven days earlier than other New Guinea Impatiens on the market. Its exceptional adaptability allows it to thrive in both sun and shade, making it an excellent choice for growers and home gardeners alike. With superior wilting recovery and a compact, mounded habit that prevents legginess, SOL LUNA PRIME™ ensures vibrant, long-lasting displays in containers, hanging baskets, and
The Perfect Recipe for Long-Lasting Beauty. DuraBella® revolutionizes combination programs with vibrant, retail-ready recipes that balance color and texture—exactly what home gardeners love. These low-input combos require just two or three liners, saving growers time and resources while delivering outstanding performance. They finish as quickly as traditional plantings, need less water, and stay beautiful longer.

Our US and European teams collaborate to craft market-specific recipes, ensuring every combination thrives. Like a great dish, the right ingredients make all the difference. Thoroughly trialed for harmony and longevity, DuraBella® guarantees stunning, lasting displays.
✔ More combo choices than ever
✔ Eye-catching, retail-ready appeal
✔ Efficient solutions without compromise

Effortless beauty that
BESTIES™ - New Osteospermum Series
BESTIES™ - New Osteospermum Series
The Celebration of Friendship in Every Bloom - Inspired by the beauty of lasting friendships, the BESTIES™ series brings vibrant colors and continuous blooms to every garden. These new varieties, modeled after the Amethyst standard, feature an upright, mounded habit with large, well-branched flowers. With strong rooting abilities and an extended flowering period, they provide season-long beauty. Flowering consistently within 7-10 days across different locations, BESTIES™ ensures uniformity and reliability. Just like true friendships, this series offers a diverse range of colors, enriching gardens with charm, resilience, and a constant display of floral

Lavandula angustifolia Cleo-Patio®
Lavandula angustifolia Cleo-Patio®
Discover Lavandula Cleo-Patio®, the seed-grown lavender that rivals vegetative varieties in compactness, uniformity, and performance! This genetically compact, early-flowering variety offers outstanding uniformity and dense branching — with no need for PGRs! Its rich blue blooms and striking grey-green foliage create an eye-catching, long-lasting display — perfect for borders, hedges, or premium patio pots. Designed for commercial success, Cleo-Patio® ensures optimal trolley loading, strong transport resilience, and an extended sales window with autumn sowing and overwintered plugs. With Cleo-Patio®, you grow more efficiently, sell earlier, and deliver top-tier quality—all in a compact, easy-to-schedule package. Maximize your lavender potential with Cleo-Patio®!
Helianthus annuus F1 Sunsation® Yellow Spirit
Helianthus annuus F1 Sunsation® Yellow Spirit
Looking for a game-changer in potted sunflowers? Helianthus Sunsation® Yellow Spirit delivers uniformity, compact growth, and a tight flowering window — ready in just 7 to 9 weeks after transplanting! This early finisher brings all the powerhouse traits of the Sunsation® series: long-lasting, pollen-free flowers, outstanding bright colours, continuous blooming, and a highly marketable presentation. Pinching promotes strong branching and multiple simultaneous blooms, ensuring a premium-quality, vibrant display from spring to early autumn. Boost your Sunflower production with Helianthus Sunsation® Yellow Spirit — the smart, fast, and profitable choice for commercial growers!
Hypoestes Coloratus®
Hypoestes Coloratus®
Add a splash of playful colour to your collection with Hypoestes Coloratus® – the must-have foliage plant from Evanthia! This compact, fast-growing gem boasts heart-shaped leaves sprinkled with artistic speckles in vibrant White, Red, Rose, and Pink. Perfect indoors for pots, mixed containers, trendy green walls, and outdoors (moderate climates) as an annual in patio pots and borders – Coloratus® stands out in any setting. With a swift 5 to 14 week cultivation time, it’s your ideal choice for high-turnover production. Mix and match for a lively display or go monochrome for premium appeal. Grow Hypoestes Coloratus® – where creativity meets commercial success!

Petunia Go!Tunia
Petunia Go!Tunia
Colour fever with Petunia GO!Tunia! You only have to remember the following keywords: very early & compact!

The top choice for pots. These compact upright plants, with colourful large flowers, give instant spring colour and an impressive shop presentation. It is the earliest series on the market with a good range of standard colours. Plus, some unique extra’s. GO!Tunia is tested under low temperatures and light levels to give the best performance in early spring. Suitable for 10.5-12 cm pots and in packs.
Calibrachoa Cabaret Bumble Bee Hot Pink
Calibrachoa Cabaret Bumble Bee Hot Pink
Cabaret is the best programmable series on the market. In addition, it's well-matched for timing, habit and flower size. The well-branched, mounded and trailing plants have a full centre and are covered with many flowers on dark green foliage. At lower temperatures they are less sensitive. Cabaret can be grown in 10.5-12 cm pots and one of the earliest flowering Calibrachoa on the market.

Cabaret gives an unique and great sales presentation with flourish flowers who will stay open, even in poor lighting conditions. For a successful Calibrachoa production we highly recommend our pinched 128-plug to make an easy start. A Florensis exclusive.
Cosmos Cherry Chocolate
Cosmos Cherry Chocolate
A breakthrough in the much-loved Chocolate Cosmos brings us bigger flowers in a brand new colour! Cosmos Cherry Chocolate is a striking beauty for larger pots with elegant flower stems and big cherry-coloured flowers. It totally fits the ‘wildflower’ look that consumers are looking for these days. Moreover, Cherry Chocolate plants are more compact than those of other varieties, so they can resist the tendency to become tall and leggy. The flower stems are shorter, so the flowers sit closer above the foliage. These qualities make it ideal for containers. With more heat, it releases an irresistible chocolate scent!

Jackson Series - Pot Mum
Jackson Series - Pot Mum
The Jackson Series is an exceptionally attractive and long-lasting pot mum collection, perfect for creating colourful and eye-catching combinations. With its consistent quality, this series is an excellent choice for growers looking for reliable performance and stunning results.

Available in six beautiful colours – Purple, Pink, Salmon, Bronze, Sunny, and White – the Jackson Series offers endless possibilities for vibrant displays. Whether used in mixed arrangements or as stand-alone highlights, these chrysanthemums bring long-lasting beauty to any
Intenz Series - Celosia
Intenz Series - Celosia
Celosia Intenz is a true eye-catcher, both indoors and outdoors. This compact, well-branched plant combines a lush appearance with excellent weather resistance, ensuring high ornamental value well into autumn. What makes Celosia Intenz even more special is that it is propagated from cuttings rather than seeds. This results in an exceptionally strong and uniform plant of superior quality. Additionally, Intenz scores high on sustainability thanks to its certified, environmentally friendly cultivation. For consumers, this means effortless enjoyment of a strong and long-lasting flowering plant!
Inova Series - Garden Mum
Inova Series - Garden Mum
The Inova series is a diverse and vibrant collection of garden mums, ideal for various pot sizes and suitable for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. These robust plants are easy to handle, transport exceptionally well, and ensure a seamless growing experience. Their buds show color early, while their flowers open gradually, delivering a long lasting and stunning decorative display. With their uniform, well rounded shape and excellent durability, Inova pot mums bring effortless beauty to any

Paeonia Early Flamingo®
Paeonia Early Flamingo®
Green Works a specialist in Paeonia, better known as peonies. In the Netherlands, we are a grower of peonies and we have - with more than 200 varieties - an extraordinary large assortment. Through many years of experience in growing, we can deliver top quality planting material. And we keep offering our professional support even after the sale, because it is important to us that you get the most beautiful peonies!

Paeonia Early Flamingo is a wonderful variety of Green Works. Of the double and pink Peony varieties, this one is the earliest flowering Peony. Besides that the Early Flamingo is perfectly suited for cut flower
CannaSun™ Theresa
CannaSun™ Theresa
CannaSun™ Theresa from Green Works has a beautiful orange/red color and is very compact. With lovely red foliage. CannaSun™ is hybridized to produce large flowers, self cleaning, has a compact growing habit and continue blooming. This variety is suitable for the patio, garden and public areas plantings. CannaSun™ Theresa is propagated through seed and is virus
Ranunculus Butterfly™ Graces®
Ranunculus Butterfly™ Graces®
Ranunculus Butterfly™ Graces® is a truly beautiful Ranunculus variety with absolutely lovely creme white flowers. These flowers are a bit more white than the flowers of the Ranunculus Butterfly™ Ariadne®. The flowerbuds of Graces® have a nice lime color. This variety has a good length and produces many flowers.

Breeder: Aya

Bella Fuchsia®
Bella Fuchsia®
Bella Fuchsia® varieties have a
compact and uniform growth and flower very early in the season. Bella Fuchsias have outward and upward facing flowers, meaning no more hidden blooms.
Señoritas® Osteospermum
Señoritas® Osteospermum
Señoritas® is our range of Osteospermum varieties with excellent growth and blooming characteristics. Osteospermum (Cape marguerites or cape daisy) are colourful summer bloomers with brightly coloured blossom
Pelargonium Grandiflorum
Pelargonium Grandiflorum
The Regal Pelargonium is a home and garden plant which is also known as Pelargonium Grandiflorum. You only have to look at the size of the flowers and the colours, to understand how this prestigious plant has earned its second

I am Hi Ocean
I am Hi Ocean
It is the rhythm of ebb and flow, a rhythm that never stops. In the same way, I can never stop creating flowers, time and time again. And I make it easy for you in the greenhouse by making few demands in terms of cultivation.
I am Hi Fire
I am Hi Fire
Just a quick word of caution: don’t mess with me! Before you know it, I’ll have you captivated. Come closer and you’ll spot the vivid purple in my blue flower head. I will overwhelm you with my countless flowers, and I just won’t stop blooming.
I am Hi Ice
I am Hi Ice
It may be the whitest white you have ever seen. The white of ice, frozen deep in the glacier. White cannot be any purer. And it also couldn’t be more decorative. The whitest white is especially striking, due to the sharp contrast with the dark leaf colour.

Hebe Naughties
Hebe Naughties
Easy growing and nice branching Hebe Naughties. Avalible in colours Blue ,White and Pink. And flowering from springtime untill frost.
Thunbergia 'Sunny Susy'Beetractive
Thunbergia 'Sunny Susy'Beetractive
You say Thunbergia and actually mean Sunny Susy – not without any reason Sunny Susy is market leader in the Thunbergia market. Last year we introduced three more varieties successfully, which are completing our commercial assortment with 9 varieties.
Lavandula Not Normal Pure White
Lavandula Not Normal Pure White
From the Angustifolia type we have now in our program an compact growing early flowering blue type, but also clear white compact growing early flowering one.

Rosalina Kalanchoe
Rosalina Kalanchoe
Since the 1990s, our breeders have made countless crosses with the semi-desert plant from Madagascar; Kalanchoe. The most special colors and flower shapes passed by. The result is an extremely strong and colorful double-flowered, single-flowered and double-coloured assortment; the basis for the Rosalina breed.

Our focus:
Optimal balance between volume, shape and size. The Rosalina range has an evenly filled umbel and compact dark leaves. Our varieties are extremely strong. In our breeding, the focus is on resilient varieties and on aesthetics; new shapes and
Cupido Spathiphyllum
Cupido Spathiphyllum
More than 30 years of expertise in the breeding and production of Spathiphyllum, has resulted in a uniform and successful range. Our Cupido genetics are a favorite in the assortment of growers and retailers worldwide. Distinctive by the bright white flowers and deep dark green leaves and as far as we're concerned: pollen-free!

Our focus:
Is on the development of pollen-free and air-purifying varieties to make the world a little greener. Our Innovation Lab houses all the Spathiphyllum varieties in the world. From these, we are constantly selecting and crossing new high potentials. Strong plants with bright white flowers, from 2 meters to 7
Siam Curcuma
Siam Curcuma
In 1990 Jan van der Knaap (1925-2010) discovered the beauty of the Curcuma in Thailand. This was the start of unraveling the cultivation of a completely new product for the Western world. Which today has led to a uniform Siam range of high quality. Easy to grow in different pot sizes and even different color shades.

Our focus:
Intense colors, powerful leaf veins, and an even better shelf life.
Siam Curcuma is a tissue culture product. This means that each piece of starting material contains exactly the same genetics, guaranteeing quality and uniformity. The plant is very strong and therefore hardly susceptible to diseases and pests. Our breeding focuses on the aesthetics of the plant and its applicability in different cultivation

These sturdy upright Pelargoniums with their bright colours will always be favourites for gardens, balconies and patios. Choose from an updated assortment of versatile Toscana ® zonale Pelargoniums and you'll have everything you need for a successful season. From green-leaved to dark-leaved varieties in familiar colours to the striking new Magic Eyes varieties, you can give your customers exactly what they
These dense, trailing Pelargoniums are easy to control and have the best branching habit, retaining their shape right through from nursery to garden. Our superior quality plants create a magnificent trailing display in baskets and window boxes. They are specially selected for early flowering, excellent uniformity and good garden performance in all weathers in warm and cold climates. From double and single-flowered Peltatums in popular colours to special two-colour Lollipop varieties, you can give your customers exactly what they
Make your Pelargonium season more successful than ever and surprise your customers with Toscana Pelargonium Interspecific Galaxy – the perfect way to enhance your Pelargonium programme. Following on from our long and intensive breeding efforts, we proudly present Pelargonium Interspecific Galaxy, the best of our Zonale and Peltatum Pelargoniums combined in one plant, featuring big, sturdy flowers on a denser looking plant with good branching with exceptional good summer

F1 Spreading Pansy Top Wave™ Series
F1 Spreading Pansy Top Wave™ Series
Straight to the Top!
The NEW Top Wave is your top choice for premium pots and mixed containers in the cool seasons! With the largest flowers of any spreading pansy series, and a nicely mounded shape at point-of-sale, these new spreading pansies beat the competition for visual appeal at retail. Once established, the plants trail vigorously for the consumer and can be used in a wide variety of applications. It’s a perfect addition in cool-season gardens, with low maintenance and long-lasting
F1 Vinca Titan-ium™ Series
F1 Vinca Titan-ium™ Series
Added security in Titan™
Get the fast flowering, superior branching and big flowers of Titan Vinca with the extra protection of aerial Phytophthora resistance in NEW Titan-ium! With its tight flowering window and blooms in a full range of top-selling colours, Titan-ium will get your vinca program started earlier and stronger! The series has a 5-day flowering window, with some colours flowering earlier than the leading varieties by 10-14 days! The series introduces 7 colours and 1
F1 Interspecific Impatiens Solarscape®
F1 Interspecific Impatiens Solarscape®
Low-maintenance plant with high-impact colour!
Solarscape seed-propagated interspecific impatiens provides unbeatable colour in full-sun garden beds and containers. Durable Solarscape performs just like vegetative varieties, with the flexibility of seed and without royalties. Landscape growers will appreciate this option to fulfil non-branded needs that will grow strong in the sun! We will add a new variety, Salmon Punch, to the already complete serie of Magenta Bliss, Orange Burst and White Pearl. Its big brother, Solarscape® XL, also introduces a new variety, Brilliant Gems Mixture, to the series of Lilac Spark and Pink Jewel (an All-America Selections Winner)

Queen® Kalanchoe
Queen® Kalanchoe
Queen® Genetics is proud to offer the broadest Kalanchoe assortment on the market, continuously expanding our product range with new, innovative varieties. Our Kalanchoes are known for perfectly formed, large flowers in bright vibrant colours. We always focus on breeding high-quality varieties with excellent longevity and ethylene resistance.

Through several years of development and breeding work, we have brought new life to the traditional Kalanchoe. With our MoreFlowers and ElseFlowers, we provide special varieties with large, extravagant petals or beautiful two-coloured flowers. Our Originals and RoseFlowers are stunning, more traditional varieties. Exclusively, we offer a wide range of long-lasting
Queen® Tiara Euphorbia™
Queen® Tiara Euphorbia™
At Queen® Genetics, we take pride in breeding outstanding Tiara Euphorbia™ varieties with large, eye-catching flowers and vibrant, long-lasting colours. With their lush green foliage and continuous blooms, they bring beauty to any setting almost year-round.

Through dedicated breeding and selection work, our Tiara Euphorbia™ stands out for its exceptional performance in production. These well-branched plants are voluminous and adaptable to various pot sizes, making them a reliable choice for growers worldwide.

Thanks to our innovative breeding, Tiara Euphorbia™ requires no pinching or PGR, ensuring an easy and efficient growing process. With high disease tolerance and excellent durability, they deliver consistent quality from grower to consumer.

This year we will give you an exclusive sneak-peak to our up-coming Jewel Euphorbia
Queen® Kiwi Hebe™
Queen® Kiwi Hebe™
A very well-branched and compact plant habit, dark green foliage and beautiful flowers! Our insect-friendly Kiwi Hebe™ assortment is perfect for the summer and autumn season.

At Queen®, we are actively breeding new Kiwi Hebe™ varieties to growers worldwide. When we started breeding Hebe years ago, it was a response to seeing many growers suffering from diseases in their Hebe production. Through years of breeding and strict selection work, we have managed to develop new healthy varieties with high resistance to the most common Hebe diseases. Our stunning Hebe come in blue, soft rose, light pink and dark

SunPatiens® Vigorous Purple
SunPatiens® Vigorous Purple
The long planter on site at Vertify Honselersdijk, will this year again be beautifully planted with SunPatiens Vigorous in a variety of brilliant colours. With an impressive length of 60 meters and a width of 2.5 meters, our SunPatiens bloom until October and provide continuous blooms.
These vigorous growers are perfect for any landscape and offer a beautiful sight!
This year the new Purple will be a great addition to the SunPatiens Vigorous series. In total, 12 different varieties are available in this series! Will these also be shining in your customers’ gardens?
Viking® Explorer
Viking® Explorer
Another top performer! Meet Viking Explorer.
Viking Explorer trials all over Europe are proving just how great this series is! Hanging from balconies or decorating fences, they thrive in balcony boxes, hanging baskets, containers and bowls. It’s easy to grow, easy to maintain and keeps flowering till the frost sets in.
Viking also has a huge advantage in lower light areas like northern / eastern directions. Perfect for adding vibrant colour to outdoor spaces!
This winner became Pflanze des Jahres in Sud Tirol in 2024, made it into the Top 10 at Emsflower Trial Garden and outperformed many other species in trials at Veneto
BeautiCal® Yellow Sun Imp.
BeautiCal® Yellow Sun Imp.
The Beautical varieties are real flower bombs. This bedding plant keeps growing and flowering, forming a big ball full of flowers and colour. At trials this bedding scores high on flower richness and continuous growth for good reason.
IMPROVED VARIETY! Sakata keeps on improving their genetics. This year the shiny BeautiCal Yellow Sun Imp. is introduced - with its improved flower colour and plant habit.
This strong plant is incredibly weather tolerant with exceptional rain resistance as well as mildew resistance. Together with its abundant and long-lasting flowering it beats all!

Towers full of flowers! BeautiCal varieties in enormous planters greet you brightly at Vertify's

Calibrachoa Vibe Sky Blue
Calibrachoa Vibe Sky Blue
Key features
  • Well branching plant
  • Early flowering
  • Compact construction
  • Bright flower color
  • Perfect in pots and containers, also in hanging boxes and hanging baskets
  • Can be grown in both the sun and light shade

Key message
  • Large flowers with strong colorsdy series
Salvia Noble Knight
Salvia Noble Knight
Key features
  • Compact and upright plant habit
  • Good branching
  • Flowering in the first year
  • Easy to grow

Key message
  • Beautiful color to existing colors
Impatiens Solarscape
Impatiens Solarscape
Key features
  • High color impact in areas in full sun
  • Can be planted in the ground or in a pot
  • Very good garden performance.

Key message
  • Beautiful tropical looks.

Calibrachoa Bakari®
Calibrachoa Bakari®
Like the roar of a setting sun, the glow of Calibrachoa Bakari® enchants everyone. The Calibrachoa variety with the extraordinary colour spectrum, which plays with red, orange, pink and yellow, impresses with radiant flowers that seem to glow like the sun itself. Speaking of sun, Bakari® impresses in full sun locations with a strong appearance, early flowering and bushy growth. Bakari®, a Swahili name with the meaning “hopeful and promising”, captures the essence of a vibrant spirit, brings power and radiance to every corner of the garden. Bakari® is a real eye-catcher and a promising Calibrachoa variety for summer
Dianthus Alpine Pinks
Dianthus Alpine Pinks
Whetman Pinks Dianthus set new accents and celebrate their premiere in the Selecta range. The Alpine Pinks series impresses with drought-tolerant and frost-hardy varieties with striking foliage and highly fragrant flowers that bloom from April to autumn. The low-energy plants can be cultivated in cool conditions. Highlights include the varieties Aztec Star® with delicate, pink single flowers with a dark, star-shaped eye, Electric Dreams® with a sea of tricoloured pink single flowers and Flutterburst® with an abundance of magenta-coloured single flowers with a dark eye and white flower edges. All varieties are also suitable for peat-free production and are
Petunia AlpeTunia®
Petunia AlpeTunia®
Modernised and expanded, with a wide range of colours, including special colours - each variety is an absolute eye-catcher with a proven effect from a distance, full flowering and good branching. The hanging petunias are absolutely competitive, and with 15 varieties currently available, it is difficult to choose, as each variety stands out with its colours and large, early flowers. The plant structure is dense, sometimes growing somewhat higher in the early stages, but then quickly develops its characteristic trailing habit. The varieties produce flowers early due to their day length neutrality. A strong appearance is guaranteed!

Viola cornuta: Penny Pro
Viola cornuta: Penny Pro
Plant Like a Pro

Penny Pro Violas are quicker to finish, provide abundant flowering and combine outstanding seed quality with a grower-friendly habit.
Landscapers can count on Penny Pro to deliver on their vision of vibrant and impactful flowering beds.
Penny Pro violas thrive in the landscape due to their vigorous root systems and strong branching habits, even under challenging spring and autumn conditions.
The introduction of Penny Pro follows just two years after the introduction of Delta® Pro, the most programmable large flowered Pansy series with the earliest and most uniform flowering period of any large-flowered Pansy
Pelargonium interspecific: Calliope® Landscape Rock'n 'Rose
Pelargonium interspecific: Calliope® Landscape Rock'n 'Rose
Enter the dance with Calliope Landscape Rock'n Rose!

Rock'n Rose stands out with its spectacular, oversized flower umbels featuring a unique petal pattern that seems to follow the rhythm of a frenzied dance. The flowers offer a daily delightful surprise with their tone-on-tone colour variations, creating a dynamic and ever-changing display.
Whether Rock'n Rose is used in gardens or containers, it delivers a stunning, long-lasting floral display that combines resilience with beauty and turns any outdoor space into a botanical dance floor.
Part of the esteemed Calliope® Landscape series, Rock'n Rose consistently shines in summer trials, showcasing exceptional garden performance and heat
Helianthus annuus: Sunfinity®
Helianthus annuus: Sunfinity®
Sunfinity : Endless Blooms all summer long!

Redefine your sunflower experience with the Sunfinity® family which continues to bloom for several months, compared to traditional sunflowers. Sunfinity® includes both seed and cutting-raised varieties, offering grower-friendly and innovative genetics and bushy plants with endless flowering.
With its vibrant bicoloured flowers on a semi-vigorous, well-branching plant, the new Sunfinity® Yellow Red Bicolour from seeds will flower all season long in landscapes and large containers. In addition, you will be amazed by the abundance of unique double flowers of the pre-commercial Sunfinity® Double Yellow from

Roselily Kyra®
Roselily Kyra®
Roselily Kyra® is part of the unique Roselily® assortment—double-flowering Oriental lilies with exceptional qualities. These pollen-free lilies not only prevent stains on clothing but also offer a light, pleasant fragrance. With a vase life up to four days longer than traditional Oriental lilies, they bring extended beauty to any setting. Available as both a cut flower and potted plant, Roselily Kyra® is a perfect choice for retail and consumers
Freesia Sorrento®
Freesia Sorrento®
Sorrento® is the freesia that stands out with its fresh lemon fragrance and an extended flowering period of up to two weeks. With strong root vitality and a compact growth habit, this genetic short variety is perfect for efficient cultivation. With a cultivation time of just 70 days, Sorrento® combines speed with top quality. Experience the power of a fragrant, long-lasting
Calla Royal Frost
Calla Royal Frost
Royal Frost is a standout in the world of callas, known for the many flowers it produces and the colour stability during the entire season. With its pristine beauty and graceful blooms, this variety adds a touch of sophistication to any setting. Whether used as a cut flower or potted plant, Royal Frost offers versatility and premium quality. As an exclusive selection, it truly embodies the excellence of calla

Germany Region Members

Crazytunia® Bananarama
Crazytunia® Bananarama
Bold new color for the world-famous Crazytunia series, Bananarama features primrose yellow blooms with a deep, red/burgundy eye- perfect for dynamic combinations or a dramatic look in the landscape!
Lobelia Stratus Blue Delft
Lobelia Stratus Blue Delft
Building on the success of last year's new Lobelia Stratus Blue, Stratus Bue Delft is a lighter blue color, but with the same white picotee that defines this new series.
Upright, mounding plants have exceptional heat tolerance and huge blooms.
Calibrachoa Caliloco® Star Child
Calibrachoa Caliloco® Star Child
Building on Westhoff's reputation for interesting and unique colors, This new addition to the Caliloco series features soft pink to white blooms with a bold ring, eye and star pattern.
Plants are compact with a mounding habit that is well suited for small pots and driving impulse sales.

Not an exhibitor

Vegetable: Grappelina F1
Vegetable: Grappelina F1
Cluster type. Very beautiful plant. Vigorous plant. Regular fruits. Good taste quality. Variety well suited to growing in
Soft fruit: Kiwi Actinidia Herma®
Soft fruit: Kiwi Actinidia Herma®
Clear improvement of Solissimo, self-fertile variety with large fruits. Beautiful fruits (as large as those of the Hayward variety) up to 7cm long and 5cm in diameter. Green flesh, juicy and very
Shrub: Agapanthus hybrida Nina® White Monsapho
Shrub: Agapanthus hybrida Nina® White Monsapho
A superb compact evergreen agapanthus with upright stems. It flowers abundantly in summer in white from a very young age and is a remontant reblooming