
Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

Where plants meet people

FlowerTrials maintains strong positionFlowerTrials® 2018

10 - 13 June 2025

FlowerTrials maintains strong position

Despite an increasing number of events in week 24 vying to attract horticultural visitors, FlowerTrials continues to maintain its strong position, reporting a 2.3% rise in visitor numbers compared to last year to reach a total of 7,300. With an average of five visited locations per person, the number of visits per visitor remains stable.


Gill Corless Chair of the FlowerTrials foundation: “We are delighted to see that FlowerTrials, the originator of open days in week 24, continues to be the key event for the bedding and pot plant industry. In fact, this year’s Wednesday edition recorded the highest ever number of visitors in a single day in FlowerTrials’ 15-year history! The pre-registrations for visits to the exhibitors in Aalsmeer and Westland were also up, most likely thanks to our excellent pre-event information schedule which informs visitors on the main novelties from each exhibitor prior to week 24. With an increasing number of companies taking part, no fewer than 60 this year, upfront information on the new introductions becomes key in choosing the right locations to visit.


FlowerTrials 2018 inside


Visitors came from no less than 70 different countries. The organisation noted a strong increase in visitors from Southern Europe, specifically 34% more from Italy, without doubt thanks in part to new FlowerTrials exhibitor Gruppo Padana. Also Spain and France booked rises of 12% and 6% respectively. Visits from growers, traders and buyers from Eastern and Central Europe also rose with more visitors from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The number of visitors from Turkey and Iran decreased significantly, most likely due to the Ramadan and sugar feast which fell this year in week 24.


In terms of professional profile, the visitor base remained quite stable: 37% of all visitors are growers, followed by 21% import/export, 12% breeders/young plant producers, 6% retail and 1% auction. The remaining public consisted of industry suppliers, services and others.


FlowerTrials 2018 outside



FlowerTrials exhibitors open their doors next year in week 24 from 11th to 14th June 2019.


About the FlowerTrials

The FlowerTrials took place from 12th to 15th June in the Westland and Aalsmeer regions in the Netherlands, and Rheinland Westfalen region in Germany. 60 breeding companies showed their latest innovations in pot and bedding plants to the international horticultural industry. A registration system with a personal badge scanned at the entrance of each location allows insights into the visitor profiles.


Note to the editor

For further information please contact:
FlowerTrials® Secretariat
Ann Jennen
T: +31 71 364 91 01


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